Massive Layoffs in 2024 Pose a Serious Cybersecurity Threat

The massive wave of layoffs in 2024 brings a cybersecurity threat that many business owners overlook: offboarding employees. Even large, well-known brands with advanced cybersecurity systems often fail to protect themselves adequately from insider threats. For instance, last August marked a year since two disgruntled Tesla employees, after being let go, exposed the personal information of over 75,000 people, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and Social Security numbers.

The issue is expected to worsen. According to NerdWallet, as of May 24, 2024, 298 US-based tech companies have laid off 84,600 workers. This includes major layoffs at companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, as well as smaller tech start-ups. In total, around 257,254 jobs were eliminated in the first quarter of 2024 alone.

Whether or not you’ll need to downsize your team this year, having a proper offboarding process in place is essential for every business, big or small. Offboarding is more than a routine administrative task – it’s a critical security precaution. Failing to revoke access for former employees can lead to serious business and legal implications.

Some potential issues include:

  • Theft of Intellectual Property: Employees can steal your company’s files, client data, and confidential information stored on personal devices. They may also retain access to cloud-based applications, such as social media sites and file-sharing platforms (e.g., Dropbox, OneDrive), that your IT department might overlook. A study by Osterman Research revealed that 69% of businesses experience data loss due to employee turnover, and 87% of employees who leave take data with them. This information can be sold to competitors, used by them when hired by a competitor, or used by the former employee to become a competitor themselves.
  • Compliance Violations: Failing to revoke access privileges and remove employees from authorized user lists can render you noncompliant in heavily regulated industries. This simple mistake can result in large fines, hefty penalties, and legal consequences.
  • Data Deletion: If an employee feels unfairly laid off and retains access to their accounts, they could easily delete all their emails and any critical files they can access. If that data isn’t backed up, it will be lost forever.
  • Data Breach: This could be the most terrifying of all. Unhappy employees who feel wronged can make your company the next headline for a devastating data breach, leading to costly lawsuits. A single click can result in downloading, exposing, or modifying your clients’ or employees’ private information, financial records, or trade secrets.

Do you have an airtight offboarding process to mitigate these risks? Chances are, you don’t. A 2024 study by Wing revealed that one out of five organizations has indications that some former users were not properly offboarded. These are the organizations that were astute enough to detect it.

How do you properly offboard an employee?

  • Implement the Principle of Least Privilege: Successful offboarding starts with proper onboarding. New employees should only be given access to the files and programs they need to do their jobs. This should be meticulously documented to make offboarding easier.
  • Leverage Automation: Your IT team can use automation to streamline the process of revoking access to multiple software applications simultaneously, saving time and resources while reducing the likelihood of manual errors.
  • Implement Continuous Monitoring: You can use software that tracks who is doing what and where on the company network. This can help identify suspicious behavior by an unauthorized user and determine if a former employee retains access to private accounts.

These are just a few ways your IT team can improve your offboarding process to make it more efficient and secure. Insider threats can be devastating, and if you think this can’t happen to you, think again. You must be proactive in protecting your organization.

To find out if any gaps in your offboarding process expose you to theft or a data breach, our team offers a free, in-depth risk assessment to help you resolve it. Call us at 214-550-0550 or click here to book now.

Frustrated with piece of Technology and need Help? You’re Not Alone

A recent stream of Reddit comments detailed a series of poor customer service experiences with tech support. While I usually steer clear of Reddit and its chorus of chronic complainers, I browsed a few comments for research purposes, given my industry involvement. Some complaints were so outlandish – like the lady who claimed the technician took a bathroom break in her attic – that they seemed unbelievable. However, other more common issues resonated with my own experiences, and to be candid, they were frustrating!

When you face a tech emergency – be it a broken printer, hardware malfunctions, Internet connectivity issues, login troubles, or similar problems – note being able to solve the issue quickly only worsens the irritation. It leaves you with frustrated employees who can’t efficiently get their jobs done because they’re troubleshooting their tech and on hold while you are “looking into it,” and irritated customers who just want a smooth process when dealing with your organization.

This can result in losing customers and A-player employees to competitors that don’t have these same daily issues. At first, it might seem dramatic that a few unresolved “tech issues” could cause such a stir, but as these problems continue to repeat themselves with no solution in sight, resentment grows and will eventually result in people seeking organizations that don’t have to deal with such headaches.

How Co-Managed IT Can Solve These Issues

One way to get ahead of these problems is by leveraging a co-managed IT approach. Co-managed IT services provide a partnership between your internal IT team and an external IT support provider, ensuring you receive the best of both worlds. This setup allows for seamless support and rapid issue resolution, preventing the frustrations associated with tech issues you don’t work on very often.

Polling Your Employees

To assess whether your current IT support is up to par, start by polling your employees. Ask questions that will help you “grade” your current IT company and see if they’re dealing with your team as efficiently as they should. Here are a few questions to ask:

  1. Do you experience any recurring technical problems that haven’t been fully resolved? If so, what are they?
  2. How would you rate the response time of the IT support team when you encounter a technical issue?
  3. Have you found the IT support team to be knowledgeable and helpful in resolving your issues?
  4. Do you feel that the IT support team communicates effectively and keeps you informed about the status of your requests?
  5. How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the support provided by your IT team?

These questions take only a few minutes to answer and can help you gain valuable insight into whether or not your current IT team is properly handling issues or if there is trouble brewing within your organization that you weren’t aware of.

Experience the Difference with Our Co-Managed IT Services

If you want to see what excellent IT support looks like, we’ll provide TWO FREE hours of support for your organization. Here are some ways you can use your time with us:

  • Diagnose any computer network problem you are experiencing.
  • Check your network’s security against hacker attacks and viruses.
  • Scan and review spyware.
  • Check your network backup system to make sure it is working properly.
  • Diagnose slow, unstable PCs.
  • Conduct our proprietary 57-point IT Systems Security and Performance Assessment.
  • Discuss a project or upgrade you are considering, or get a second opinion on a quote you received.

To get started, give our team a call at 214-550-0550 or click here to book your call now.

Experience the benefits of co-managed IT and eliminate the frustrations of tech by yourself for good.

Why MSP relationships fail

Why MSP relationships fail

A lot of SMBs opt for managed service providers who can help handle their IT requirements, and for the most part, it works well. Almost everyone knows the benefits of having a MSP manage your IT. Increased cost savings, ability to focus on your business without worrying about IT, better IT support and expertise, and so on. But, there are times when the managed IT services model fails, leaving business owners to wonder what went wrong. This blog discusses some key reasons why MSP relationships fail.

You didn’t do a reference check
Did you just pick the first MSP you found on the Google search? Did you just go by the presentations they gave you, or the information on their website? Always remember to ask your MSP for references. Talk to someone they work with and get feedback.

They don’t have enough staff
If your MSP is short of staff, they won’t be able to give you the attention you need. One of the biggest advantages of bringing an MSP onboard is having someone who proactively manages and monitors your IT requirements– something you cannot do without a full fledged IT department. So, it is important that your MSP is well-staffed.

They are not experienced enough
Before you bring an MSP on board, make sure you pay attention to how long they have been in business. This is important because the whole idea behind hiring an MSP is to leverage their knowledge and expertise. Secondly, someone who has been in the business for quite some time is more likely to be able to scale with you as you grow.

They said they will be there, but…
You want your MSP to be available 24/7, because with IT, you never know when the problem will arise. Not only should your MSP be proactively monitoring your IT infrastructure to ensure everything runs smoothly, they should also be able to resolve IT problems when they happen–time and day notwithstanding, so that your business is back up and running as soon as possible.

They are not able to provide you with all that you need
Sometimes, as you grow, your IT needs change. You may need much more support and new technologies that you didn’t think you’d need earlier. In such cases, if your MSP is not able to grow and scale with you, then the relationship won’t work.

When choosing an MSP, think of the whole process as a partnership, and not a one-time deal. When you look at the relationship as a long-term one, you are more likely to consider all the factors that go into making your relationship with the MSP work in the long run.

Do your homework: 3 things to do when looking for an MSP

Do your homework: 3 things to do when looking for an MSP

Thinking of hiring a Managed Service Provider, but not sure how to go about it? Here are a few things to do before you zero in on one.

Figure out what you have already
The first step in a good plan is to figure out where you stand currently. Before you talk to an MSP, conduct an audit of your IT infrastructure to decide what you have currently. List all your hardware and software. When performing this IT audit, don’t forget other technologies that you are using, such as biometric access systems, CCTV systems and even telephone systems. You may think they are irrelevant as they are not directly related to your IT infrastructure, but, in the near future you may want them all to be connected to one another, and so, including them in the audit and inventory right now is a good idea.

Figure out what you need
This is the next step. After you determine what you already have, the next step is to figure out what you need. What do you want to add on or remove from your existing IT infrastructure? Are your servers too slow? Do you want to switch to the Cloud instead of traditional services? Do you want a Unified Communications set up instead of your current PBX phone line? Do you want to shift to a work-from-home model and need the infrastructure to support that?

Do your research
Now that you are clear about what you have and what you need, start doing your research. If you have an in-house IT team, you can ask them to evaluate the various options that can help you reach your goal. If not, then there are plenty of resources available online for SMBs that help with tech questions. is one great resource and a Google search will get you more.

As a part of this research, you should also make a list of credible MSPs in your area and learn more about them. A Google search can help you with that, but it would be even better if you reach out to a couple of your peers requesting them to refer you to their MSPs, if they have one.

Hiring an MSP means trusting them with your IT infrastructure, so it is very important that you have a clear understanding of what you really want and need, so you can share your expectations with your new MSP. This transparency and clarity goes a long way in determining the success or failure of your relationship with the MSP.

5 Lesser known benefits of choosing the co-managed IT model

5 Lesser known benefits of choosing the co-managed IT model

Even companies with IT staff on their payroll can’t deny having an MSP onboard offers benefits that exceed what they get from having just an in-house team. This blog explore 5 lesser known reasons why the co-managed IT model is popular.

An extra hand during emergencies
In the event of any unforeseen emergency such as a natural disaster or a terror attack, you may need additional IT support to get things up and running again. Your IT team may not be able to do it all instantly and of course adding to your IT staff wouldn’t be an option during such times. In a co-managed IT services model you will have your MSP to support your IT team which will help you recover faster.

Especially useful when you have a small in-house IT team
For a lot of SMBs, an in-house IT team comprises one or two IT technicians who take care of all their IT needs. But what happens when they are both out of office at the same time, due to unforeseen circumstances? You can only cross your fingers and hope no major IT problem comes up. But, in the co-managed IT services option, your virtual IT team is just a call away!

24/7 Support
24/7 IT support is a luxury for most SMBs. Their in-house IT staff usually works the same hours at the business. Most managed service providers, however, offer 24/7 services at affordable costs.

You still retain control over your IT
In a co-managed services model, you are not completely entrusting your IT to an MSP, as your in-house IT team will be collaborating with your managed services provider to meet your IT needs better. Thus, you retain quite a bit of control over your IT.

You get useful IT insights
When you bring an MSP onboard, you benefit from their expertise and on-ground experience. They can advise you on the latest IT trends in your industry and help streamline your processes and IT infrastructure based on what’s effective. This kind of insight cannot be gained with an in-house IT team as they would only be working with you.

Co-managed IT model is not replacing your IT team with an MSP. It is augmenting your existing IT support setup with an MSP and leveraging their expertise to bring thought leadership IT strategies into your organization.

“Savings” That Could Cost You EVERYTHING

As a business leader, you’re always looking for ways to increase revenue, cut expenses and grow your bottom line. Implementing AI tools, shopping services and running a more efficient operation are great ways to do that. One place you do NOT want to cut corners is using free antivirus or firewall software.

In today’s blog, we’ll share why these seemingly helpful software solutions are a detriment to your business and why a 10-minute call with our team might just be the best investment you’ll make this year.

Free software often lacks necessary features and is limited in what it can detect.

Free antivirus software and firewall solutions can protect your business against some known viruses but not all of them, and they likely won’t have the ability to protect you against other comprehensive threats, like malicious files, unknown or unidentified threats and more. Cybercriminals are constantly rolling out new and “improved” viruses to trick even the most robust security solutions, which makes it difficult to believe that free, infrequently updated antivirus solutions could offer the level of protection needed to keep you secure.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

While free cybersecurity solutions sound like a good way to save a few bucks, you have to stop and realize these programs will make their money somewhere. The most common ways they make money are through ads, sponsored recommendations and collecting and selling user data. They collect and sell your personal information, like age and gender, and installed apps, to third-party advertisers.

Some free solutions are already infected with malware.

Ironically, these free cybersecurity tools can come with malware already installed to infect your computer upon downloading them. It’s also difficult to determine the difference between real free software solutions and fake ones created by hackers looking to trick unsuspecting business owners who hope to save a buck into downloading an infected version that immediately opens up your network to them.

Free antivirus software is mostly reactive, detecting infections after they’ve happened.

The point of having cybersecurity solutions is to try to prevent a data breach from occurring in the first place. Most free solutions are reactive and won’t keep unwanted intruders out; they simply alert you when one has already breached your network. If you’re going with a free solution, make sure you have a robust recovery plan in place. You’ll likely need it.

Cybersecurity solutions are not as expensive as most business owners think and are more cost-effective than dealing with a data breach. If you have been using free antivirus or firewall software in your organization, it’s time to level up. Our cybersecurity experts will provide you with a FREE Security Risk Assessment that will detail if and where you’re vulnerable and what to do about it. Schedule yours by clicking here or calling us at 214-550-0550.

The Silent Danger: A Powerful Lesson For Every Business From This $1.6 Billion Ransomware Attack

In recent months, the alarming cybersecurity breach at Change Healthcare, the health care payment-processing company under the health care giant UnitedHealth Group, has thrown a spotlight on a chilling reality: cyberthreats can lurk undetected within our networks, ready to unleash chaos at a moment’s notice. The breach, executed by the notorious ALPHV/BlackCat hacker group, involved the group lying dormant within the company’s environment for nine days before activating a crippling ransomware attack.

This incident, which severely impacted the US health care system, a network with a large budget for cybersecurity, underscores an urgent message for all business leaders: a robust cybersecurity system and recovery plan are not optional but a fundamental necessity for every business out there.

The attack began with hackers using leaked credentials to access a key application that was shockingly left without the safeguard of multifactor authentication.

Once inside, the hackers stole data, locked it down, and then demanded a hefty ransom.

This action stalled nationwide health care payment-processing systems, for thousands of pharmacies and hospitals causing them to grind to a halt!

Then things got even worse!

The personal health information and personal information of potentially millions of Americans was also stolen. The hackers set up an exit scam, demanding a second ransom to not release this information.

This breach required a temporary shutdown, disconnecting entire systems from the Internet, a massive overhaul of the IT infrastructure and significant financial losses estimated to potentially reach $1.6 billion by year’s end. Replacing laptops, rotating credentials and rebuilding the data center network were only a few of the actions the UnitedHealth Group had to take. More than financial, the cost was deeply human – impacting health care services and risking personal data.

While devastating, it’s a powerful reminder that threats can dwell in silence within our networks, waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

It is not enough to react; proactive measures are essential.

Ensuring systems are secured, implementing multifactor authentication, regularly updating and patching software and having a recovery plan in place in the event of an attack are steps that can no longer be overlooked and are basic requirements for doing business in today’s world.

Also, the idea that “We’re too small to be a target” is false. Just because you’re not big enough to make national news, doesn’t mean you’re too small to be attacked!

Cybersecurity isn’t just an IT issue; it’s a cornerstone of modern business strategy. It requires investment, training and a culture of security awareness throughout the organization.

The fallout from a breach reaches far beyond the immediately affected systems. It can erode customer trust, disrupt services and lead to severe financial and reputational damage, and your business, will be the one blamed.

As we consider the lessons from the Change Healthcare incident, it’s your duty to make cybersecurity a top priority. Investing in comprehensive cybersecurity measures isn’t just a precaution – it’s a fundamental responsibility to our customers, our stakeholders and our future.

Remember, in the realm of cyberthreats, what you can’t see can hurt you – and preparation is your most powerful defense.

Is YOUR organization secure? If you’re not sure, or just want a second opinion, our cybersecurity experts will provide you with a FREE Security Risk Assessment that will detail if and where you’re vulnerable and what to do about it. Schedule yours by clicking here or calling us at 214-550-0550.

Four reasons to opt for the co-managed IT services model

Four reasons to opt for the co-managed IT services model

Co-managed IT services model is one in which the business has its own IT team, but still contracts with an external managed services provider for certain services. In this blog we discuss four benefits of a co-managed IT services model.

Your in-house IT team may not have all the expertise needed to manage all your IT requirements. There are new developments happening in the tech space everyday and an MSP is better positioned to stay up-to-date with them as IT is their business.

Opting for a co-managed IT services model allows you the flexibility to scale your IT up or down based on your business requirements. This is especially useful for companies that experience seasonal spikes in their business, such as CPA firms, around taxation times, or retail businesses around the Holidays. You don’t have to hire new IT staff to handle the sudden extra load on your IT.

Lower costs
Choosing a co-managed IT services model saves you costs that you would otherwise incur when hiring new IT staff. Bringing someone on your payroll involves HR expenses including health insurance, 401 (k) etc., which can be avoided when bringing an MSP onboard.

Help your IT team focus better
Research indicates that in companies that have an in-house IT team, their IT specialists are so caught up with the day-to-day IT tasks that they don’t have the time to focus on new technology. Tasks like security patches, software updates, backups etc., keep them busy, so they don’t get time to research or learn about the latest on the tech front. This defeats the purpose of having an in-house IT team, doesn’t it? If you could have your MSP take care of the mundane IT routine, you will be enabling your in-house IT technicians to focus on new technology, which will help you become more efficient as a business.

If you already have an in-house IT team, it is not unusual to think you don’t need the services of a managed services provider. But, as you can see, co-managed IT has its advantages and you shouldn’t strike an MSP off your list completely just because you have your in-house IT technicians.

How Subpar IT Support Is Holding Back Your Business Growth

In the fast-paced business landscape of 2024 and beyond, settling for anything less than top-notch Co-Managed IT support can be detrimental to your company’s success. The effectiveness of your IT team is not just a convenience but a fundamental pillar of your operational efficiency. Unfortunately, many businesses find themselves constrained by inadequate tech support, leading to unresolved IT issues that hinder productivity, frustrate employees, and disappoint customers. These persistent challenges can significantly impede your business growth trajectory and erode profitability over time.

Reliable Co-Managed IT support serves as the backbone of modern business operations. It ensures seamless functionality, protects valuable data, and keeps communication channels open. Without it, even routine tasks can become burdensome, diverting employees’ attention from their core responsibilities to tackle unresolved technical issues. This diversion can result in missed opportunities, strained customer relationships, and ultimately hinder your business’s potential for expansion and success.

In this post, we will shed light on the common tech challenges that may be undermining your business, how they are impacting your growth prospects, and the steps you need to take to address them decisively. Whether you are grappling with frequent downtime, sluggish issue resolution, or lackluster service, recognizing and rectifying these IT deficiencies is crucial for empowering your business to thrive.

Key Indicators You Are Settling For Subpar Co-Managed IT Service

Identifying the warning signs of inadequate Co-Managed IT support is the first step toward realigning your business for success. These symptoms often emerge gradually but can have far-reaching implications for your operations and growth trajectory. Here are the primary indicators that your Co-Managed IT support may be falling short:

1. Persistent, Disruptive Downtime:
Frequent system outages or network interruptions not only disrupt your business operations but also incur financial losses. Such incidents signal a lack of robust infrastructure maintenance by your Co-Managed IT support, impacting productivity, revenue generation, and client trust.

2. Delayed Response Times:
Timely resolution of tech issues is critical to minimizing disruptions. Extended response times indicate inefficiencies in your Co-Managed IT support, prolonging workflow disruptions and hindering business continuity.

3. Recurring Technical Problems:
Repeated occurrences of the same issues suggest a superficial approach to problem-solving by your Co-Managed IT support. Quality support providers delve deeper to address root causes, ensuring lasting resolutions and uninterrupted business operations.

4. Absence of Proactive Measures:
Effective Co-Managed IT support goes beyond reactive troubleshooting by implementing preventive measures. Regular updates, backups, and security protocols are proactive strategies that shield your business from potential risks and operational disruptions.

5. Communication Challenges:
Clear and consistent communication with your Co-Managed IT support provider is essential for a productive partnership. Unclear explanations, technical jargon without context, and unresponsive communication channels indicate a lack of commitment to client service and can hinder your business’s efficiency.

The Impact of Poor IT Support on Your Business Operations

Inadequate Co-Managed IT support not only leads to temporary disruptions but also exerts lasting effects on key areas of your business. Here’s how subpar support directly affects your business:

1. Revenue Loss Due to Downtime:
Every minute of system downtime translates to financial losses for your business. Unplanned outages not only impact sales but also incur additional costs as you strive to restore operations. Cumulatively, these losses can undermine your financial stability and growth prospects.

2. Reduced Productivity and Efficiency:
Consistent IT issues impede employee performance, making routine tasks time-consuming and diminishing overall productivity. This inefficiency not only slows down operations but also dampens employee morale and engagement, critical for sustained business success.

3. Impaired Customer Experiences:
Your technology infrastructure directly influences customer interactions and satisfaction levels. Technical glitches can lead to poor customer experiences, such as slow service, transaction errors, and security concerns, prompting customers to seek alternatives from competitors.

4. Hindered Scalability:
As your business expands, your IT infrastructure must scale accordingly to support increased demands. Inadequate Co-Managed IT support can impede this scalability, hindering your ability to grow operations or adopt new technologies effectively.

5. Compromised Data Security:
One of the most severe repercussions of inadequate Co-Managed IT support is compromised data security. Small businesses are prime targets for cyber threats, and without robust IT support to enforce strong security measures, your business becomes vulnerable to data breaches. Such breaches can lead to loss of customer trust, legal consequences, and significant financial damages.

The significance of selecting the right IT support provider cannot be underestimated for the long-term success of your small business. Here are essential attributes to consider when choosing a reliable IT support provider:

Opt for a provider with a reputation for quick response times. Rapid problem-solving capabilities can significantly minimize downtime, thereby ensuring the seamless continuity of your business operations.

Ensure that the IT support team possesses the required technical expertise to effectively manage your infrastructure. Look for certifications and hands-on experience in the specific technologies utilized by your business.

Choose a provider that offers proactive support services, including regular system audits, continuous monitoring, and preventive maintenance. These measures can help in preemptively addressing issues before they escalate.

Effective and transparent communication is paramount. Your IT support team should be adept at providing clear and jargon-free explanations, as well as maintaining open and efficient lines of communication with your business.

Opt for IT support services that offer tailored solutions aligned with your unique business requirements. This tailored approach ensures that the support provided is not only effective but also relevant to your specific needs.

Reviews and References:
Conduct thorough reviews and seek references to assess the reputation and reliability of the IT support provider. Positive feedback from other businesses serves as a strong indicator of the quality of service you can expect.

If your small business is grappling with recurring IT issues such as downtime, slow response times, ineffective solutions, or employee complaints about constant technical glitches, it is imperative to seek better IT support. Do not allow subpar technical support to hinder your business’s growth potential. Take proactive steps today to ensure that your technology propels your business towards success.

Schedule a FREE 10-Minute Discovery consultation with one of our experts by clicking here or calling us at 214-550-0550.

Best practices for data safety in a remote work environment

Best practices for data safety in a remote work environment

Do you have staff working from home? Of late, due to the Coronavirus crisis a lot of businesses shifted to the remote working environment. While it raises some data security concerns, they can be overcome by following a few best practices.

Formulate rules
You can start by formulating rules that define the extent and manner in which personal devices may be used for work purposes.

  • Who are allowed to use personal devices for work?
  • Spell out the regulations that they must follow. For example, regular checks for malware and updates to anti-malware software, etc.,
  • If there are restrictions to the device type, software or operating systems that may be used, out of security concerns, then that should be addressed.

Focus on the 2 Ts of cybersecurity

  • Train your staff: The first T is training your staff on how to identify IT threats and cybercrime activities that they can be a victim of. Examples include phishing emails, dubious attachments, clone sites, etc., Another area to train your staff is free/public wifi. They need to know that public wifi can be a gateway for hackers and cybercriminals into your system. Accessing emails from the airport’s waiting lounge or the mall’s food court, can expose your business to IT threats.
  • Teach good password hygiene: This is the second T. Help your employees understand how important password strength is. They should be able to identify weak passwords and steer clear of them. Also, they need to know that no matter how urgent the situation seems, password sharing is not acceptable. Similarly, mistakes such as repeating the password for multiple accounts, not changing the passwords frequently, etc., can make a cyber criminal’s job easier.

Keeping things under control

You can conduct monthly audits of the devices your employees will be using for work purposes. Arrange for regular security patch implementation, firewall installation and software updates. Install quality anti-malware software, firewalls, and make sure email security systems are in place. Even in the remote environment, you can ensure appropriate data access through role and permission-based access control measures.

All of this may seem new, and tedious, especially for businesses that are looking to recover from the effects of the on-going pandemic, which is why it is a good idea to team up a managed services provider to help set up a strong, secure, work-from-home environment for your business.