How Subpar IT Support Is Holding Back Your Business Growth

In the fast-paced business landscape of 2024 and beyond, settling for anything less than top-notch Co-Managed IT support can be detrimental to your company’s success. The effectiveness of your IT team is not just a convenience but a fundamental pillar of your operational efficiency. Unfortunately, many businesses find themselves constrained by inadequate tech support, leading to unresolved IT issues that hinder productivity, frustrate employees, and disappoint customers. These persistent challenges can significantly impede your business growth trajectory and erode profitability over time.

Reliable Co-Managed IT support serves as the backbone of modern business operations. It ensures seamless functionality, protects valuable data, and keeps communication channels open. Without it, even routine tasks can become burdensome, diverting employees’ attention from their core responsibilities to tackle unresolved technical issues. This diversion can result in missed opportunities, strained customer relationships, and ultimately hinder your business’s potential for expansion and success.

In this post, we will shed light on the common tech challenges that may be undermining your business, how they are impacting your growth prospects, and the steps you need to take to address them decisively. Whether you are grappling with frequent downtime, sluggish issue resolution, or lackluster service, recognizing and rectifying these IT deficiencies is crucial for empowering your business to thrive.

Key Indicators You Are Settling For Subpar Co-Managed IT Service

Identifying the warning signs of inadequate Co-Managed IT support is the first step toward realigning your business for success. These symptoms often emerge gradually but can have far-reaching implications for your operations and growth trajectory. Here are the primary indicators that your Co-Managed IT support may be falling short:

1. Persistent, Disruptive Downtime:
Frequent system outages or network interruptions not only disrupt your business operations but also incur financial losses. Such incidents signal a lack of robust infrastructure maintenance by your Co-Managed IT support, impacting productivity, revenue generation, and client trust.

2. Delayed Response Times:
Timely resolution of tech issues is critical to minimizing disruptions. Extended response times indicate inefficiencies in your Co-Managed IT support, prolonging workflow disruptions and hindering business continuity.

3. Recurring Technical Problems:
Repeated occurrences of the same issues suggest a superficial approach to problem-solving by your Co-Managed IT support. Quality support providers delve deeper to address root causes, ensuring lasting resolutions and uninterrupted business operations.

4. Absence of Proactive Measures:
Effective Co-Managed IT support goes beyond reactive troubleshooting by implementing preventive measures. Regular updates, backups, and security protocols are proactive strategies that shield your business from potential risks and operational disruptions.

5. Communication Challenges:
Clear and consistent communication with your Co-Managed IT support provider is essential for a productive partnership. Unclear explanations, technical jargon without context, and unresponsive communication channels indicate a lack of commitment to client service and can hinder your business’s efficiency.

The Impact of Poor IT Support on Your Business Operations

Inadequate Co-Managed IT support not only leads to temporary disruptions but also exerts lasting effects on key areas of your business. Here’s how subpar support directly affects your business:

1. Revenue Loss Due to Downtime:
Every minute of system downtime translates to financial losses for your business. Unplanned outages not only impact sales but also incur additional costs as you strive to restore operations. Cumulatively, these losses can undermine your financial stability and growth prospects.

2. Reduced Productivity and Efficiency:
Consistent IT issues impede employee performance, making routine tasks time-consuming and diminishing overall productivity. This inefficiency not only slows down operations but also dampens employee morale and engagement, critical for sustained business success.

3. Impaired Customer Experiences:
Your technology infrastructure directly influences customer interactions and satisfaction levels. Technical glitches can lead to poor customer experiences, such as slow service, transaction errors, and security concerns, prompting customers to seek alternatives from competitors.

4. Hindered Scalability:
As your business expands, your IT infrastructure must scale accordingly to support increased demands. Inadequate Co-Managed IT support can impede this scalability, hindering your ability to grow operations or adopt new technologies effectively.

5. Compromised Data Security:
One of the most severe repercussions of inadequate Co-Managed IT support is compromised data security. Small businesses are prime targets for cyber threats, and without robust IT support to enforce strong security measures, your business becomes vulnerable to data breaches. Such breaches can lead to loss of customer trust, legal consequences, and significant financial damages.

The significance of selecting the right IT support provider cannot be underestimated for the long-term success of your small business. Here are essential attributes to consider when choosing a reliable IT support provider:

Opt for a provider with a reputation for quick response times. Rapid problem-solving capabilities can significantly minimize downtime, thereby ensuring the seamless continuity of your business operations.

Ensure that the IT support team possesses the required technical expertise to effectively manage your infrastructure. Look for certifications and hands-on experience in the specific technologies utilized by your business.

Choose a provider that offers proactive support services, including regular system audits, continuous monitoring, and preventive maintenance. These measures can help in preemptively addressing issues before they escalate.

Effective and transparent communication is paramount. Your IT support team should be adept at providing clear and jargon-free explanations, as well as maintaining open and efficient lines of communication with your business.

Opt for IT support services that offer tailored solutions aligned with your unique business requirements. This tailored approach ensures that the support provided is not only effective but also relevant to your specific needs.

Reviews and References:
Conduct thorough reviews and seek references to assess the reputation and reliability of the IT support provider. Positive feedback from other businesses serves as a strong indicator of the quality of service you can expect.

If your small business is grappling with recurring IT issues such as downtime, slow response times, ineffective solutions, or employee complaints about constant technical glitches, it is imperative to seek better IT support. Do not allow subpar technical support to hinder your business’s growth potential. Take proactive steps today to ensure that your technology propels your business towards success.

Schedule a FREE 10-Minute Discovery consultation with one of our experts by clicking here or calling us at 214-550-0550.

The Importance of Standing Your Ground in Business Security

In an interview, Steve Wozniak reflected on what he would have done differently if he had been at the helm of Apple instead of Steve Jobs. While he admitted he would have been kinder to people, he also speculated that under his leadership, Apple might never have launched the Macintosh.

Steve Jobs, infamous for his ruthless demeanor and insatiable pursuit of perfection, cultivated a work environment fraught with tension and pressure. Despite his abrasive nature, Jobs managed to forge Apple into one of the world’s most renowned brands. However, his leadership style drove away many talented individuals who found his approach intolerable.

While adopting a cutthroat attitude like Jobs may not be necessary for most small business owners, standing up for oneself is crucial. Too often, individuals tolerate mistreatment from various sources, be it employees, vendors, or clients.

In popular culture, characters like Tony from The Sopranos resonate with audiences because of their unwavering confidence and assertiveness. While not condoning Tony’s negative traits, the appeal lies in his ability to stand up for himself and command respect.

This principle extends to business security. Failing to assert boundaries and protect your organization can leave you vulnerable to exploitation, particularly by cybercriminals seeking to capitalize on your hard work. Safeguarding your business requires a Tony Soprano-level of vigilance and decisiveness in identifying and neutralizing threats before they wreak havoc.

By prioritizing cybersecurity measures and remaining vigilant, you can shield your business from malicious actors intent on causing harm. Neglecting these precautions can jeopardize everything you’ve worked tirelessly to build.

To fortify your defenses and ensure your business remains secure, consider scheduling a 10-Minute Discovery Call with our team of experts for a free IT Risk Assessment. This evaluation will uncover any vulnerabilities within your network and provide a roadmap for bolstering your security posture.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take proactive steps to safeguard your business and focus on propelling it forward with confidence. Book your call NOW or contact us at 214-550-0550 to take the first step towards a more secure future.

AT&T Attack Reveals 73 Million Customer Records Exposed On The Dark Web

AT&T, the largest telecommunications company in the United States, recently disclosed a concerning discovery: a dataset for sale on the “dark web” containing information of approximately 7.6 million current and 65.4 million former AT&T account holders, totaling around 73 million affected accounts.

The released data includes passcodes (PIN numbers) and Social Security numbers dating back to 2019 or earlier, but does not encompass personal financial data or call history. However, it may include email and mailing addresses, phone numbers, and birthdates.

In response, AT&T has notified all customers via email or mail to reset their passcodes. It’s crucial for AT&T customers to scrutinize any password-change requests, ensuring they originate from AT&T to thwart potential cybercriminals attempting to exploit the breach by sending deceptive emails with malicious links. If in doubt, contact AT&T support directly for assistance in resetting passcodes.

The origin of the breach remains uncertain, with investigations underway to determine whether it stemmed from AT&T or one of its vendors. AT&T is deploying computer forensics specialists to uncover the root cause and is tasked with eradicating any malware from its customer account system while maintaining service for unaffected customers. However, addressing this issue entails substantial expenses, including investigation costs, legal fees, and potential lawsuits.

At Mirrored Storage, we emphasize proactive cybersecurity measures as a fundamental strategy. While no system is impervious to attacks, robust security measures significantly reduce the risk of breaches. Dealing with the aftermath of a cyber-attack far outweighs the cost of prevention.

If you’re concerned about your organization’s security, we offer a complimentary Security Assessment conducted by our team of cybersecurity experts. This assessment examines your network for vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit and provides recommendations for enhancing security measures, including collaboration with third-party vendors to fortify data protection.

Hackers employ various tactics to infiltrate networks, but as a CEO, your priority is fortifying defenses. We’re committed to assisting you in safeguarding your organization. Schedule your Security Risk Assessment with our cybersecurity experts by clicking here or contacting our office at 214-550-0550. Protecting your data integrity and security is our top priority.

10 Things Great IT Providers Always Do

In the realm of IT support, there’s a stark contrast between mediocre service and the excellence that truly sets providers apart. At Mirrored Storage, we’ve observed a consistent trend: clients often switch to us not because they were unaware of their previous support’s inadequacy, but because they hadn’t experienced the true standard of exceptional support.

Today, we’re unveiling the core tenets that distinguish top-tier IT providers from the rest. It’s time to bid farewell to tech frustrations and subpar services that endanger your company’s security and productivity. Here’s what exceptional IT providers consistently deliver:

  1. Immediate Emergency Response: During emergencies, waiting is not an option. High-quality providers prioritize urgency, answering calls live or responding within 30 minutes to provide immediate assistance.
  2. Accessibility and Responsiveness: Exceptional providers are consistently easy to reach and highly responsive, addressing both emergencies and routine tech issues promptly to ensure minimal disruption.
  3. After-Hours Support: Recognizing the need for around-the-clock assistance, top-tier IT companies offer after-hours support, ensuring accessibility and rapid response regardless of the time.
  4. Proactive Network Monitoring: Instead of waiting for issues to arise, leading providers proactively monitor networks for potential threats, downtime, and inefficiencies, presenting proactive solutions to clients.
  5. Customer-Centric Systems: A customer-centric approach is reflected in user-friendly ticketing systems that streamline issue resolution. Top providers prioritize ease of use, ensuring seamless communication and efficient problem-solving.
  6. Comprehensive Cybersecurity Planning: Given the pervasive threat of cyberattacks, reputable IT providers devise and implement robust cybersecurity plans, safeguarding clients against evolving threats like ransomware and data breaches.
  7. Transparent Invoicing: Transparent billing practices are paramount. Top providers furnish detailed invoices, clearly delineating services rendered and associated costs, fostering trust and accountability.
  8. Comprehensive Insurance Coverage: To mitigate risks, leading IT teams carry cyber liability and errors and omissions insurance, protecting clients against potential damages, data loss, or workplace incidents.
  9. Regular Backup Testing: Ensuring data integrity is non-negotiable. Reputable providers conduct periodic test restores of backups to verify data integrity and readiness for disaster recovery scenarios.
  10. Timely and Budget-Conscious Project Delivery: Exceptional IT providers adhere to project timelines and budgets, swiftly addressing setbacks and proposing solutions to ensure timely and cost-effective project completion.

It’s time to elevate your expectations and demand superior IT support. If you’re ready to experience trustworthy, reliable service, we invite you to schedule a FREE, no-obligation Network Assessment with our expert team. Discover how we can optimize your network, enhance cybersecurity, and streamline your technology infrastructure.

To embark on a journey towards stress-free IT management, click here to book your FREE Network Assessment now or contact our office at 214-550-0550. Say goodbye to tech woes and embrace the peace of mind that comes with superior IT support.

Cyber-Attack Takes Omni Hotels & Resorts Offline; Here’s How To Travel Safely

Another day, another cyber-attack! In early April, Omni Hotels & Resorts was the victim of a cyber-attack that brought down the entire IT system and led to a company-wide outage. The organization took immediate action and brought the entire network offline to isolate the issue, protect its data and prevent further damage from occurring. Unfortunately, this process heavily impacted the hotel’s operations and day-to-day functions, such as managing reservations, unlocking hotel room doors manually and using point-of-sale (POS) systems in restaurants and shops within the hotel. Some estimates expect this attack to cost the Omni over a million dollars. While unconfirmed by the hotel, several sources speculate that the type of cyber-attack was a ransomware attack similar to what happened to MGM in Las Vegas several months ago.

I was at an Omni Hotel for a conference in Nashville when this was going on. If I wanted to park I had to have exact change CASH or port somewhere else. If I wanted to eat there they said the card would be held and charged “sometime next week”. I can’t imaging the lost revenue, damaged reputation, lose of confidence, etc. they had that week and with customer of the over-term.

While most customers were aware of the inconveniences of the Omni outage, many weren’t aware of the dangers associated with cyber-attacks. When a network is compromised, unless you have high-grade tools to protect you, every device you connect to is put at risk. When you’re traveling, it’s important to treat everything like a risk to ensure your safety. In today’s article, we’re sharing a couple of tips to keep you safe when you’re on the road for work or even on vacation this summer.

  1. Don’t connect to the public Wi-Fi in the hotel. Truthfully, this also applies to coffee shops, airport lounges, etc. If a network is compromised and you connect to it, you could be giving hackers access to your devices.
  2. Turn off the auto-connect feature. Even if you don’t actively connect to the hotel’s Wi-Fi, if a hacker has set up a fake Wi-Fi network and your device auto-connects to it, that could be a big problem. Shut the feature off and only manually connect to sources you trust.
  3. Use your phone’s hotspot. Instead of connecting to public Wi-Fi, most cell phones come equipped with a hotspot that allows your other devices to connect to your phone’s internet. If not, one call to your wireless provider can often add this feature.

These tips will help protect you, but if you travel for work or have employees who travel for work, it’s important that all work devices have professional-grade cybersecurity tools installed on them. You don’t want to send your sales team to a hotel-hosted trade show, and instead of bringing back a list of leads, they bring back malware that could shut down your company altogether.

There is one final lesson in this terrible incident that all SERVICE AREA business owners need to understand: No matter the size of the company, you can still be the victim of a cyber-attack. The Omni chain, which boasts over 50 properties nationwide, would likely have a large budget to defend itself from cyber-attacks and yet still fall victim to hackers. No system is 100% impenetrable, but small business owners who don’t have any security measures in place are putting a big red target on their backs.

If you don’t have a cybersecurity system in place, or if you do and someone else is managing it but you’d like a second opinion, we offer a FREE Security Risk Assessment. This assessment will go over every area of your network to identify if and where you are vulnerable to an attack and propose solutions to fix it.

Click here to book your Security Risk Assessment with one of our cybersecurity experts, or call our office at 214-550-0550.

The Safest Way To Shop For Mother’s Day Online

Are you planning on buying gifts for the special women in your life for Mother’s Day? If you shop online, there are a few ways to do it SAFELY. During the holidays, cybercriminals ramp up various scams to capitalize on innocent people looking for gifts online. These scams range from fake offers to sham giveaways, all with the goal of stealing your money and information. Times and technology have changed drastically in just the last year, meaning what kept you safe before is no longer enough. In today’s article, we’ll share the best way to pay for your online purchases, the common scams to look out for and the top online shopping best practices to keep you safe.

How To Make Online Purchases Safely

Should you use your debit card to buy online? No! Debit cards are linked directly to your bank account. If you make a bad purchase online, it can be very difficult to get your money back once you’ve alerted your bank. To avoid headaches, hours on the phone arguing with customer support, losing money and, if things escalate enough, legal fees, use your credit card or a third-party payment system instead.

Credit cards have extensive fraud monitoring systems, which can often catch discrepancies as they occur. These companies use statistical analysis and machine learning to track and analyze your transactions to quickly identify suspicious activity, allowing you to dispute the purchases and avoid being charged.

Some credit card companies, like Capital One, go a step further to keep you secure by offering virtual credit cards. These cards provide you with a random 16-digit number, a three-digit CVV and an expiration date that you can use for online or even in-store purchases. While these DO connect to your real accounts, retailers are unable to see your actual card details, keeping your information secure. Bonus: These can be “turned off” at any time, eliminating the hassle of canceling unneeded subscriptions without going through the merchant.

Third-party tools like PayPal are also a great option because no personal information is exchanged with the seller. The company you’re purchasing from does not receive your financial or banking information, keeping your data secure.

Online Shopping Best Practices

Using a credit card, virtual card or third-party payment tool is a great start, but it isn’t the only proactive step you should be taking to stay safe online. If you’re making purchases online, make sure you’re also:

Shopping from real websites – Cybercriminals will set up fake websites that look exactly like big-name websites. Go to the REAL website and search for the item you’re looking for.

Avoid too-good-to-be-true offers – If it sounds like a scam, it’s probably a scam! If you’re interested, go to the website and look up the deal to see if it exists.

Do NOT click on promo links in e-mails – Cybercriminals will set up spoof e-mails mirroring your favorite brands. When you click on the offer links, they can infect your network.

Use a VPN – This hides your location and web browsing information from snoopers.

Don’t save your information – Password tools are trying to make your life easier by saving your payment information, but they make you more vulnerable to having it swiped.

Use unique logins for loyalty accounts – Using the same e-mail and password combo for all your loyalty accounts means that if one is compromised, a smart hacker could break into all of them, and some will have your payment information available.

Set up alerts – Go into your banking system and enable notifications. You can request to be notified when any purchases or purchases over a certain amount are made, so you can quickly report any suspicious activity.

Cybercriminals will use any method they can to steal your information and money. To stay safe, you must take a proactive approach to protecting your financial information. This is equally true for your business. If hackers are willing to put this much effort into stealing money for low-dollar purchases, imagine what they would do to access your company accounts. Your customer data, employee information, trade secrets and more can be worth millions to them.

If you’re not sure if your company is as secure as it should be or you just want to get a second set of eyes on your system to make sure there aren’t any holes in your security, we’ll perform a FREE Network Security Assessment for you. We’ll go through our multi-step security checklist and let you know if and where cybercriminals can get into your network.

Click here to book your FREE Network Security Assessment now or call our office at 214-550-0550.