Disaster Recovery on a Budget (Part 1)

Disaster recovery (DR) doesn’t always get the attention it deserves at midmarket companies — it can be expensive, time-consuming and resource-intensive. But studies say that between 80% and 93% of smaller businesses won’t survive beyond the first two years after a catastrophic data loss, proving the necessity of a well-laid disaster recovery plan.

Don’t get caught off guard. New technologies and managed services options have helped make DR affordable on any budget. Learn how to stay protected without spending a fortune in this roundup of disaster recovery strategies and best practices.

Table of contents

  What should a DR plan include?

About half of all small and medium-sized businesses have a disaster recovery strategy or business continuity (BC) plan, but when the time comes to put such plans into action, organizations realize they are missing some key components.

A complete, well-tested plan can make it easier to get back to business as soon as possible. Make sure disaster recovery strategies avoid critical data loss and miscommunications, and that they include elements such as:

  • Authentication and validation tools.
  • Personnel contacts, info and methods.
  • A priority order for resource recovery.

Get the full list in “What you need in a disaster recovery (DR) plan.”

Source: SearchCIO-Midmarket.com Staff

Mirrored Storage | Secure CLOUD Solutions for Business | mirroredstorage.com
Mirrored Storage provides cloud backup, cloud storage and a full range of Information Technology services to businesses in Dallas, Fort Worth and surrounding area.
By John Neibel | mirroredstorage.com

Backup Audit

Data Backup Audit, something you CAN’T afford to ignore


In my daily talking with businesses I see a lot of business owners and principles that don’t really understand the risk they are taking with their livelihood, savings, kids college education, retirement, etc.  This is NOT limited to small non-technical companies, but those of all sizes and industries.

In that last few weeks I have been doing some work without involvement or access to the Information Technology professional.  In my research I have become quite good at discovering the existing backup software or lack thereof.

Here is a brief summary of what I found:
– 1.4m medical images not backed up successfully since 2004.  They believed they were.
– 600k medical record images not backed up successfully since 1999.  They believed they were.
– 700k medical images where the backup drive filled up 2 days before I found it.  CD creation secondary system created blank CD’s for an undetermined amount of time.
– 15 GB of accounting practice data not ever backed up before.
– QuickBooks files for business NEVER backed up prior to my audit w/ an existing customer.  They believed they were using the built in remote backup, but were pointing to a local full drive.

My questions to you;
– Is your data being backed up?
– Are you willing to bet your business on the answer?

I am willing to do a free 1 hour assessment at your site for a limited time, based on availability.

Call me BEFORE you have an issue.

Mirrored Storage | Secure CLOUD Solutions for Business | mirroredstorage.com
Mirrored Storage provides cloud backup, cloud storage and a full range of Information Technology services to businesses in Dallas, Fort Worth and surrounding area.
By John Neibel | mirroredstorage.com

Too Good to be True

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Like your dad, mine taught me that life truth at an early age. While I tested it several times growing up what dad taught me turned out to be true again and again. Here are a few that I ran into that you might relate to ranked by age for me:
– 12 Albums/Tape for .99
– Free Stamp/Coin Proofs
– Any sign-up for Free Vacation/Car/$1mil/etc
– Sign-up for Free for 30 days, just cancel (victim of this one X times)

I would challenge anyone looking for a cloud backup service to do testing of that service. Don’t give your credit card information to try the free service. Test it to see if it is really free. Ask questions of others (Search, Blog, Testimony, etc) for their experience. Think about it, if you are loading data to a provider where the volume exceeds the raw cost of the storage then what your dad taught you MAY come into play.

From my research, understanding being in the industry and talking with customers of many of the providers (also testing myself) there are ways that many providers limit those that “take advantage of the system”; AKA using more than they are paying for. The most common practices they limit the volume of uploaded data allowed per day (i.e. 100mb per day – less than 10 photos with digital most cameras). Another common practice is “expiring old files”. This can be as little as 90 days. I personally take digital photos that I load on my PC, edit and backup for storage FOREVER. It is NOT OK with me for files to be deleted EVER much less in such a short time.

We added a customer that tried several of the popular services without success. The primary reason what service and support. When we talked with them about the above issues they admitted that they had seen both techniques with in the first month of us. This is much faster that I had experienced, so I am creating new accounts of my own and trying again.

Lastly, I have another Truth about backup:
“We manage our customer’s backups, other services manage credit cards.”
In other words, their customers won’t hear from them unless the credit card doesn’t work. Our customers hear from us when there is an issue.

We look forward to helping you.

Mirrored Storage | Secure CLOUD Solutions for Business | mirroredstorage.com
Mirrored Storage provides cloud backup, cloud storage and a full range of Information Technology services to businesses in Dallas, Fort Worth and surrounding area.
By John Neibel | mirroredstorage.com

File-Based Backup

File-Based Backup – The business was started with a file-base backup solution back in November 2008 with only a couple of customers that needed a backup service that was set-up for them, which was missing in the  market.  The business grew by setting up the backup system for customers and adding the management component that included checking it every day.


Image Based Backup

Image-Based Backup – One of the requests that kept coming up was the ability to restore the entire system.  This requirement was to not only backup and recover files but recover the entire server drive or drives to new same or different hardware.  This is called “bare-metal backup/restore” in the industry .  Using this method a system can backup on one platform type and restore to a completely different hardware and it WORKS!  No joke, server-2-laptop, laptop-2-server or any combination.   Including physical to virtual (P2V), V2P, V2V, ….